The CBD Protein Bar Changing People's Post-Workout Routines
elevated gains bar pic

Image Credit: Elevated Gains

Elevated Gains - CBD Protein Bars (Variety 12-Pack)

About: Elevated Gains

Elevated Gains started as an idea and has undergone many changes over time, but we have never wavered from our mission of helping people have the best workout recovery possible

CBD is still a grey area. What’s not? The pain after a heavy-leg day. If you’re like me and like to squeeze in a workout during mid-day, you’re always looking for ways to recover faster and keep getting the most out of your day.

Elevated is working on creating a CBD product to help you control inflammation (you still need some to grow) so you can keep working out and crushing your day-to-day. I liked how they have a short list of ingredients, and the bars are sweetened with honey.

Clean product + 20g of protein per serving. Not bad at all.

Our bars are made to help you recover after a tough workout, long hike, or just a long day grinding. Eat a bar after or during a long workout and be confident you are giving your body what it needs.

Protein to build muscle and satisfy hunger – honey to recharge and refuel – and CBD to help you relax and recover.

  • 300 mg CBD per box (12 bars)
  • No Artificial Ingredients
  • Finally a bar with 20g protein and no “chalky” taste
  • Say goodbye to your post workout pain and soreness


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